Thursday, October 17, 2013

27 Week Update!

So today is exactly three months from my due date! According to half these pregnancy apps, the third trimester starts this week, the other half say it's next week... so I will celebrate Luke's -3 month birthday this week and my third trimester next week!

Our house is really coming together, Brendan did a great job last weekend of hanging all of our curtains and photos and also toiled away in Luke's room putting up our wall decal! (I will post his room later!) We  had a pretty busy weekend with a visit from Brendan's aunt and uncle along with a baby celebration at our church where we were honored with 4 other families who have either just had or are having babies soon.

I started going to the gym at 5:30 in the morning since I am having trouble falling back asleep when Brendan leaves. He seems to especially appreciate this because it means I don't drag him out on walks at 7pm every night anymore!

This week has flown by! We had a little Halloween celebration at Brendan's work yesterday and brought Abigail dressed as a shark (she looked ferocious). Tomorrow we are leaving to spend the weekend in Washington DC with Brendan's parents, so I almost missed posting again, but thought that 3 months to go was pretty significant. I made the sign this week so it is unfortunately not as magical as when Brendan makes it, but it will do!


How far along? 27 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gulp... 20 pounds
Maternity clothes? oh yes, although since I like larger sweaters anyways I can still wear a lot of the ones I have!
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: not so much.
Best moment this week: the baby celebration at our church!
Miss Anything? not feeling self conscious and running without peeing my pants
Movement: yes, yes, yes.
Food cravings: hot sauce and sour patch kids have made a comeback... I blame Halloween
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: .. I'm like a blimp
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? OUT
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: eh, I'm ok
Looking forward to: Washington DC!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

26 Week Update... From a new house!

I'm 26 weeks pregnant and man, it's been a busy few weeks! I felt way too overwhelmed to make a board and update the blog last week but here is a summary of what happened! We moved into our new house over the weekend 2 weeks ago which was a ton of work, but we were lucky to have a group of friends who spent their Saturday morning helping us move our stuff, and by Saturday evening our old house was cleaned and ready for it's new occupants. There were a few things that I found really helpful for my move, so you can expect a post of moving tips coming soon... which will likely be added onto after future moves!

We were pleasantly surprised by the amount of extra work our landlords did to get the house into shape! They put really pretty new floors into the kitchen and painted over the ugly wallpaper, and they even spruced up the paint on the outside!  The dogs are loving the new place, especially their new back yard! So far, we've unpacked the kitchen, put furniture where it's supposed to be, hung most of our curtains, gotten our room and the guest room together and somewhat organized the garage. Even though we aren't completely unpacked, the house already feels like home!

The back yard!
The kitchen and dining room area

I'm feeling more and more pregnant every day. Someone asked me last week if I could see my feet, and I looked down and was shocked to realize that no, in fact, I cannot see my feet anymore! I'm getting pretty forgetful too, I drove all the way to the grocery store without my wallet last Monday and will sometimes forget to close doors to keep the dogs in the kitchen or turn things off... like the outside lights which are probably on right now (sorry Brendan).

I had my monthly doctor's appointment last Friday morning and it was not fun. I somehow managed to gain another 7 pounds this month and my doctor gave me a pretty stern talking to, put me on a diet of 1800 calories a day, and told me I need to not gain any weight between now and my glucose test in 3 weeks. I'm not an unhealthy eater and I don't overeat even though I am pregnant so I was pretty upset when I found out how much weight I've gained, actually I have been counting my calories and haven't hit the 1800 calorie mark on any of the days yet, so I'm not sure how I keep gaining so much weight. I've basically been in a tailspin ever since Friday second guessing everything I put into my body and crying irrationally... a lot. The good news is, I don't feel fat and haven't noticed that I have gained weight anywhere other than my stomach and ummm above my stomach. Usually when I gain bad weight, my face gets chubby. I called my friend Hunter who is a personal trainer and knows a lot about nutrition and she gave me some good pointers and sent me a meal plan to try out, so hopefully if I just tweak what I've been eating I won't turn into a cookie monster in the next 14 weeks. (WOW LUKE WILL BE HERE IN 14 WEEKS!!)

Yup, Brendan made my board again

How far along?
26 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gulp... 20 pounds
Maternity clothes? ordered a few things online from check that store out pregnant or not, they have a lot of really great staple pieces at reasonable prices!
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: this week I have been so exhausted that I think I have been sleeping better!
Best moment this week: finishing moving out of our old house!
Miss Anything? wine sometimes, sushi, and fitting into clothes!
Movement: yes, yes, yes.
Food cravings: hot sauce and fresh juice... not together
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: a lady in Target came up to me to tell me she likes my baby bump...
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? OUT
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm a rollercoaster.
Looking forward to: a long weekend with my husband

Monday, October 7, 2013

One Year Later, Life's Moving Too Fast

Do you ever have those days when life is moving too fast and where you just want time to stop and slow down for a moment? It's been a year since our wedding, I'm six and a half months pregnant, and I feel like time is just flying by so quickly. In less than four months, I will be a mom and I feel completely unprepared. This past year has been exciting, challenging, and full of twists and turns. It has definitely been a learning experience.

Here are some of the highlights from this year:

A week after the wedding, we moved to Fayetteville, NC from Columbus, GA and as soon as the boxes were placed in the house we left them unpacked and spent a week on a honeymoon. We found a new church which I now work at and made a great group of friends! In May, we found out that we are expecting a boy in January so, we moved again into a new house earlier this month to make room for one more! Brendan completed his first job as a rifle platoon leader and been assigned a job as the Battalion Mortars Platoon leader.

Although Ranger School is over, we've had our share of separation this year too with Brendan's training schedule, including Brendan being gone for five weeks over the summer. It seems like every time we get into a routine, he leaves for a week! Adjusting to being married, and especially being married to someone in the army has been difficult. Sometimes I wish he could just come home at a normal time, not get called into work on the weekends, and just ignore his telephone. Sometimes I get insecure and on my worst days, I feel neglected and that Brendan is actually married to the army and not to me. There are weeks where even when Brendan comes home at night, he's so exhausted that he eats and goes straight to bed and I miss him, I just want to wake him up in the middle of the night and talk his ear off. There is an old saying that "If the Army wanted you to have a wife, they would have issued you one," and sometimes during the long days or weeks it feels true. I see time flying by and I just want the clock to stop and slow down. At times I think I hate the army for stealing my husband away, but then I realize that the army is part of Brendan and it's part of why I love him and why he's my hero.

Brendan loves his job and he's good at it. He cares about his soldiers and their future as much as he cares about his own, I hear it in his voice when he talks about them and I wonder how I married such a noble man. When he was applying for schools he applied to military academies and schools that had ROTC,  I asked him why once, and he just replied that he can't imagine doing anything else, and that's how I know that as much as I sometimes can't stand the army, it's a part of him so it's a part of us now. When I married Brendan I decided that my job as his wife was to support him, not hold him back from doing what he feels called to do. It's not always easy for me to actually follow through and do that, but the bottom line is the reason I get jealous of the army is because I love Brendan so much and I miss spending quality time with him. I see time slipping by, the weekends seem too short and I just want to absorb every moment. So, in an effort to go back in time, I'm sharing my favorite photos from our wedding!

Our wedding day was one of the best days of my life. I was never really the girl who planned her wedding ever since she could remember. In fact, I had no idea what I wanted my wedding to look like, until I met Brendan. I met Brendan and suddenly I found myself daydreaming about marrying him. Six months after we met, Brendan proposed and I stopped daydreaming and started planning what our real wedding would look like! We had decided from the beginning to have our ceremony in the church I attended growing up, and after dragging Brendan around to several venues near my parent's house in Connecticut, we decided to have our ceremony at The Owenego Beach and Tennis Club in Branford, CT. Over the next year, I planned the wedding from Georgia, and then re-planned it when Brendan was unable to make the first date (I think of it as a little "welcome to the Army" present from Ranger School).

When the day finally came, our friends and family traveled from Ireland, Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Alaska, Texas and other places around the country. I spent the morning with my bridesmaids getting ready and drinking some champagne, then we went off to the church. After that, everything just sort of blurs together... in a good way. We had a great time dancing and celebrating with our friends and were even able to get on the dance floor!

My favorite part of the weekend was that the Owenego has a Bed and Breakfast. So while our guests had a room block at a hotel a few miles away, we decided to stay at the Owenego because we knew that if we stayed at the hotel we would just hang out with our friends all night and we wanted to spend some time with each other. The morning after the wedding, we went downstairs through the hall that we had just had our wedding in and had breakfast outside on the porch overlooking the water. That was my favorite moment. The world stopped spinning and we were able to just have coffee and sit and be married. Those are still my favorite moments. Sitting with Brendan having coffee or on the couch and just being married, and as long as we keep having those moments, even if they're not as often as I would like, I know that everything will turn out just fine.
The day after the wedding