Monday, November 5, 2012

New Beginnings

So, the two weeks following our wedding were very busy to put it mildly. On Monday we flew back to Georgia and began to pack up our apartment to get ready to leave for North Carolina on Friday. It was a bittersweet week. We both were excited to get settled down in North Carolina, but had really come to love Columbus, especially our church family.

On Wednesday we had our final community group meeting before we left, and as I took my seat in between Brendan and my friend Lyndsay, I looked around the room and felt a great sense of gratefulness, and loss at the same time. Having those two seemingly opposite feelings together is something that I had never truly experienced before. These feelings stayed throughout the meeting, and as they prayed over Brendan and me at the end of our time together, with tears streaming down my face, I found peace in the words our friends were saying. As they asked for God to go with us to North Carolina, I could feel His presence comforting me through my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

By Friday morning (after a marathon of packing and cleaning until 3am) we were on the road to North Carolina. 
Our apartment looks so empty!!

We arrived by about 8pm and anxiously opened the door to our new home! That night we blew up our air mattress and planned our day for Saturday. The next day, we excitedly bought a bed, a couch, and a washer and dryer... all to be delivered Monday. Luckily Sunday we were able to pick up a kitchen table and chairs so we at least had somewhere to sit other than on the floor or air mattress! Monday, our stuff arrived and it was heaven... Until Tuesday. 

our new home!

Most of our furniture that we are using in our house and all of our wedding gifts were at my parent's house in Connecticut, so Tuesday morning we flew up to get it. We got to Connecticut at about 5pm and immediately loaded up the moving truck so we could get an early start the next morning. After loading 10,000 pounds of stuff and spending about 2 hours with my parents we went to sleep to make sure we were rested for our 12 hour drive the next day. Long story short, about 32 hours after we left North Carolina we were back again with a house full of things in a truck! Thursday we unpacked the truck and Friday at 2:00am we headed back to the airport to depart for a much needed honeymoon!!!
one item we brought from my parents house was a canoe, Brendan is obviously thrilled.

The Honeymoon!!

Originally, we were unsure whether or not we would have the time or money to go on a honeymoon, so we didn’t book it until about a week before we left. Luckily, Brendan e-mailed a travel agent who we have used before and gave him our parameters for time and money.

IT WAS PERFECT. We flew into sunny Mexico on Friday and were greeted with cool towels and water bottles and driven in a private SUV to our resort. The resort was beautiful and the staff was great. We only left the resort one day to go to see the Mayan ruins at Tulum and snorkeling at Xel-Ha (totally worth the extra money!)  

It was an awesome opportunity for Brendan and I to take a little time out from the circus that has been our lives for the past year and just really spend some time together. We received Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon for a gift from a member of our community group and started making a point to read it together in the morning and evening.

 I had never fully understood why people took honeymoons until we did. This was really the only chance that we have had to connect without distractions from the outside world. Without cell phones, internet, friends, work and anything else to divert our attention, we were focused on each other. Although we see each other every day, there are always things that can get in our way from spending quality time together. I think that having this experience to revisit and to help us remember the important things. While we might not be able to go to Mexico every year, I’m considering having an off the grid weekend every year (if Brendan’s work would allow it).

our last night, and the only night we stayed up past 9pm... yes we are old!

before dinner one night

at the beach, steps away from our resort

overlooking the Mayan ruins of Tulum

New Beginnings 

After 5 days in paradise, we came home and began to get settled into our new life. It’s crazy to think that 14 months before, we were just getting settled in Georgia. This time it felt different though. As we unpacked the boxes I felt like we were unpacking a home instead of a house. As I put up framed photos of our friends from around the country, I felt nostalgic but not sad.

This is a new beginning for Brendan and I. A year ago our life was fine by most standards, but we did not know God. Now, although the road ahead won’t be easy, we know that He walks with us wherever we go, and we will withstand whatever may come through our faith and trust in Him.

 And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

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