Tuesday, July 15, 2014

C-Section Moms Must Haves

Before having Luke, I scoured the web looking for the best list of things that would help me through the first few weeks postpartum. Most of these I luckily already had, but some I purchased later and am so glad I did! With the exception of two of these items, I feel that this list is essential for every new mom!

1. C-Panty by UpSpring Baby- My c-section recovery was rough to put it mildly. Everything hurt.. Sitting up, walking, even rolling over in bed brought on tears. I asked some other c-section moms what helped them and they all came back with the same answer: C-Panty! It has a layer of medical grade silicon over the incision site that really helps with healing and the compression helps with the pain, and helped a little with beginning to suck my tummy back in, think of them as post partum Spanx!
2. Infinity Nursing Scarf- this is my new go-to present for moms-to-be who plan on nursing. I have about 5 different colored/patterned ones that I bought off Etsy! Personally, the scarves were much easier for me to maneuver than other nursing covers. I happen to be a more modest when it comes to public nursing (in fact I wasn't sure I would ever be able to when I first had Luke!) and these scarves are perfect. Not only can I feel comfortable nursing in public, but I can add a pop of color to my outfits!
3. Belly Bandit- I totally doubled up with this and the C-Panty to help shrink down my post baby belly. It worked great, but within 3 weeks of wearing the small it was loose on me and I needed to go back and grab an extra small (which I'm not complaining about!)
4. CamelBak Eddy Water Bottle- this water bottle went everywhere with me the first few months. I loved the fact that it had a straw which made staying hydrated while nursing so much easier (because thirst ALWAYS hits you as soon as you start nursing.)
5. Boppy Nursing Pillow (with at least one spare cover)- I still use my Boppy every day not only to nurse, but also to put behind Luke when he's sitting up so he doesn't constantly knock his head on the ground!
6. Lanisoh Soothies Gel Pads- along with lanolin cream and a homemade mixture of neosporin, clomitrosol, and cortisone creams (recommended by a friend), these pads really provided a lot of relief during the first few weeks of soreness.
7. Fold Over Yoga Pants- with most pants cutting off right where the incision was, I basically lived in inexpensive yoga pants and maternity leggings for the first month or so post partum.
8. Gilligan & O'Malley Nursing Tanks- if you come to my house most days, you will find me in one of these tanks. They're super comfy and make nursing a breeze!

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