Thursday, August 8, 2013

17 Weeks... Boy or Girl?

Hello week 17!!! I go to the doctor tomorrow for my checkup and an ultrasound where hopefully this baby cooperates and we can see if it's a boy or girl! My friend Tracey volunteered to go with me since Brendan can't be there and I'm going to ask the doctor to put the sex in an envelope so Brendan and I can find out together on Saturday during a gender reveal photo-shoot!

I've been feeling pretty good this week except for my back has been killing me. Ever since August has hit, and my teacher friends have started getting ready to go back to school, I've been thinking of fall. This means that I have bought a few bags of apples and some caramel dip and have been partaking in about 4 caramel apples a day as a mid-day snack and after dinner desert!


This week went by really quickly! Friday I went up to Raleigh with two of my friends and we went to the State Farmers Market, the mall and a quick trip to Trader Joe's because they don't have one here! I loved the farmer's market and would go like every single weekend, my friend Tracey introduced me to muscadine grapes (which I ate an entire bag of on the way home) and I have been searching everywhere for them ever since. On our way up to Raleigh, I got a phone call from Brendan saying he got done with the class he's taking in GA and decided to drive home for the weekend so I had an unexpected weekend with my husband which I am super thankful for!

we are really bad at remembering to take photos but here's one with a sleepy Carrie!

Remind me not to wear this dress again for the rest of my pregnancy.

How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained 3ish lbs.. I haven't weighed myself in a few days but I guess I will find out tomorrow for sure!
Maternity clothes? I went up to Raleigh with some friends last Friday and picked up some shirts that aren't maternity but have room to grow for the end of summer and got a pair of yellow maternity jeans on sale on Zulilly!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I have some trouble falling asleep because my lower back hurts on my right side, but once I'm out, I'm out.
Best moment this week: a surprise visit from my husband and a girls trip to Raleigh
Miss Anything? sushi and for some reason I wanted a Subway sandwich this week... I don't even like sandwiches
Movement: Not sure, I thought I felt some flutters Friday and Sunday nights but I'm not positive
Food cravings: CARAMEL APPLES.
Anything making you queasy or sick: only when I forget to drink enough water
Have you started to show yet: I would say... yes
Gender prediction: we'll know tomorrow but since ALL of my friends are having boys, someone has to have a girl!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? it's in but its getting pretty shallow
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but self-conscious about my body.
Looking forward to: seeing the little baby on the ultrasound tomorrow and finding out the gender!

I was kind of dragging my feet on posting my photo this week because I am really starting to deal with some body image issues. I just don't feel pretty right now and am being extremely critical of myself, every time I see my arms in the mirror I feel like I need to do push-ups or something. I know that a lot of it is emotions and that gaining weight is healthy but I really do understand now why it's hard for women when they're pregnant and their body doesn't look like what they're used to.

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