This week has been okay, I've started to feel a little tired and a lot heavier. I enjoy naps, going to the gym is not as "fun" as it used to be, and my clothes are officially fitting really funny. I'm continuing to try to hold off on buying maternity stuff/stuff that fits since I will get bigger in the fall and don't want to waste my money on summer clothes, but I have gotten a few t-shirts from Old Navy and Target that I really like.
Brendan is home for about 1 week which makes me excited, and when he leaves I'm going to go visit my parent's at their new house in Florida. This pregnant person is excited about floating herself in a pool and possibly eating her way through Epcot!
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Belly is looking ROUND |
How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: afraid to go on the scale this week so I'm going to stick with when the doctor told me I gained 6lbs at my last apt but I think I might be up about 10lbs from pre-pregnancy now
Maternity clothes? nothing new, but definitely using the stuff I do have. I'm trying to hold off on buying stuff since I will be most pregnant in the fall (see above paragraph)
Stretch marks? No, but I have been searching
Sleep: I have begun using a body pillow because I am not comfortable.
Best moment this week: Seeing Brendan's dirty laundry because it means he's home!
Miss Anything? still wine.. and I would like some Ahi Tuna.
Movement: feeling some movement but it's not too frequent yet
Food cravings: my caramel apple cravings are infamous, they were brought up in the Sunday sermon today... pregnant people problems.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: yeah um, my clothes don't fit, and people are touching my belly (CREEPY)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? HALF OF MY BELLY BUTTON IS OUT! EW! It's only half so far though...
Wedding rings on or off? On, although during my walk today my hands got super swollen
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...? umm... ask Brendan..
Looking forward to: lots and lots of movement and taking a trip to Florida to float in my parents' pool... and hang out with them... but do a lot of floating too.
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