This past weekend I flew down to Florida to visit my parents for a long weekend and see their new house. They basically live in a resort now with a huge pool, clubhouse, and tons of activities. The first day we did some shopping and I got a few new shirts for my expanding stomach, then we hit the pool... as soon as we arrived at the pool it started pouring which was a little disappointing, but I got to play a dice game with some of the ladies that live there. That night, we went to dinner at the club house, and I felt like I was the lame one. It's like all the retired people are on permanent spring break, they had a DJ that was playing the electric slide and cupid shuffle and all of the ladies were up dancing... meanwhile I was standing trying to stretch my back which was having spasms... role reversal anyone?
My parent's pool and clubhouse |
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Dolphins at Epcot |
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Mom and I in front of Soarin (one of the rides I hadn't been on) |
I pretended to be a Dinosaur at Downtown Disney |
and a moose at Epcot |
... twice |
Epcot at night |
Dad and I in Canada at the World Showcase |
Can't wait to stick Luke in this sucker! |
I had the genius idea of booking a 5:15am flight to get back to Fayetteville Monday morning... I will never do that again. I'm not sure if it was the fact that I was tired, or my hormones, but I cried the entire first flight. I just didn't want to come back to an empty house again, it was just so nice to wake up and have other people around the house to talk to. When Brendan isn't around, after I get home from work at 5 if no one calls me it's not uncommon for me to not even hear the sound of my own voice until I answer the phone the next morning at work. Whenever I leave on trips when Brendan is gone, it's hard to jump back into my routine, I usually spend the first day or two just sort of drifting around trying to figure out what I should be doing with my time. Luckily, Brendan comes home Friday and the rest of my week is pretty busy, so I only threw myself a one day pity party and am over it now.
So, what has Luke been up to?
Before I left for Florida on Thursday, I had my monthly doctor's appointment. It was pretty uneventful, they just listened to the heartbeat which sounded good, and weighed me. I have gained 13 pounds since I've been pregnant which is good. The bad news is that 7 of them were the past month which means I need to stop eating as many caramel apples as I have been!
According to my What to Expect book and my baby apps on my iPhone, the next few weeks, Luke will be doing a lot of growing and gaining weight (up to 1/2 lb per week!), which means these punches he's packing are only going to get bigger. Right now, If I have a book or something on my stomach when he kicks you can see it move, which I think is pretty cool! I'm excited for Brendan to feel the movement because he had only really felt the baby kick one time before he left.
Thanks to Tracey who dealt with my photo needs this week! |
How far along? 22 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 13 pounds total
Maternity clothes? my parents got me a few things, and my awesome friend Kelly is letting me borrow a bunch of maternity stuff! So happy to be able to put off shopping for another couple weeks!
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: when I do sleep, its nice.
Best moment this week: Disney!
Miss Anything? not feeling like a sausage in everything I put on.
Movement: my child thinks my organs are soccer balls.
Food cravings: pumpkin spice everything
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet:ughhhhh
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? mostly out
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy with a chance of tears at any moment
Looking forward to: Brendan coming home
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