Happy Fall! ... Sort of. It's still in the low 90's here and probably will stay that way for a while so it really doesn't feel like fall. We had a great Labor Day weekend, and hope you did too!
Abigail had a great Labor Day, if you can't tell by the look of joy on her face. |
After breakfast, Brendan and I set out to look at a few houses... Our lease is up October 1 and as much as we adore our house, we just aren't sure that there is enough space for all the things that come along with a baby. It has been a stressful decision because not only do we love our house, but we also really like the owners (it would be so much easier to move if they weren't so great!), but on Saturday after finding a house that has just a little more space with a formal dining room we can turn into an office/playroom and a garage to hold Brendan's army equipment we decided we would be making a move. I will probably be writing a full post on this later in the week, but if anyone needs a cute little 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in a quiet neighborhood with a fenced in yard, ours is available and I have a feeling we will miss it's coziness dearly!
On Saturday Morning, Brendan went to work out and I went to my ladies Bible study. This Bible study is mostly a group of young women from our church, we used to get together and run 2 or 3 miles then have coffee and a light breakfast while doing the study, but somewhere along the way, people started getting pregnant or something and we just skipped the running part. This week was the last week of the study we have been doing since February through the book of 1 Samuel and the beginning of 2 Samuel. It has been so wonderful to connect with other women on such a deep level and to be able to share in each other's burdens and joys. I'm excited to restart with a new book in a month or so.
The rest of the weekend, we really spent just hanging around and preparing for Brendan to head back into the field. We were actually up until about midnight last night making sure he had all of his equipment straight... well he was making sure... I was mostly dozing off on the couch and getting a few items for him when he asked.
In other exciting news: PUMPKIN SPICE IS AT STARBUCKS! I like pumpkin everything... the color, pies, muffins and coffee... especially the coffee. So this was a great way to start my Monday even if Brendan did leave again for another 2 weeks.
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Don't worry pregnancy police... it's the smallest one they have. |
Ok Bump Update!
is it just me, or does this shirt make me look not as pregnant? if so, I'll take one in every color! |
Total weight gain/loss: still haven't hopped on the scale recently. i'm guessing 10lbs
Maternity clothes? nothing new,but I told Brendan that he should probably expect some purchases next month... I tried to wear a sun dress to church this weekend, but it looked like a long T-Shirt.
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: not so much. I've had pretty bad stomach pains all week.
Best moment this week: watching a movie with my husband and him NOT falling alseep!
Miss Anything? sleeping and being able to bend down to get stuff without grunting.
Movement: Brendan felt Luke kick! He's been swimming around a lot more!
Food cravings: pumpkin spice latte... CHECK! and cheesecake... but I refuse to indulge that one.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: if you mean do I look like a bowling ball is growing out of my stomach.. then yes.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? I'm not sure, I am venturing more on the side of out...
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but sleepy.
Looking forward to: Doctor's appointment on Thursday, Florida, and getting this move over with!
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