Monday, December 30, 2013

Luke's Forest Themed Nursery

So, I have finally gotten around to taking some photos of Luke's Nursery! Over the past few months, Brendan and I have worked really hard putting Luke's room together and it's been a ton of fun! We knew going into decorating his room that while we wanted it to be a fun room for him to spend his first few years in, it is also almost certain that it will only be his first few years since Brendan will most likely be assigned to a new military post within the next couple of years, so we didn't want to break the bank! The only piece of furniture we ended up purchasing new was the crib, and everything else in the room is re-purposed except for some of the decorations.

Anyways, who wants to read about the room when  you can just see pictures instead?! Here are some photos of the room!
I love this beautiful forest wall decal that you see when you first walk into the room! I just think it's so fun! In the corner, you can see that we have a shelf hanging, on the shelf we have the baby monitor as well as a sound machine that also has an MP3 hook up in case we want to play some songs too! The rocking chair in the corner is the same rocking chair that my parents had for me, we put the blanket that went along with our bedding set over the top of it since babies aren't supposed to sleep with anything except a fitted sheet for a while and it was way too fun to leave in a closet for a year!
My parents graciously purchased our crib for us which was a huge blessing. We really liked this crib because it was simple, it's a great color, it can be converted into a toddler, then full size bed, it was ranked #3 for cribs in Consumer Reports, and at $179.00 it's not over priced, so we won't feel too guilty if it gets a few scratches on it during one of our moves!
Brendan and I bought a bird house from AC Moore and I painted it then had Brendan drill a hole in the bottom and put a 4 watt light bulb inside of it, it is now a night light!
This is the changing station as well as toy storage area! We also used a hanging basket that you would use in your kitchen to hang up some beanie babies that my parents had kept from my childhood! (The basket was also used in my childhood room!)
I repurposed a white Ikea Expedit shelf into a changing table by purchasing a few cans of sample paint from Home Depot and painting the outside a burnt orange and inside a mossy green color, I will post a tutorial on how I did it later! Inside the baskets, I have extra cloth diapers, sheets, and other supplies.
To create this photo collage, I purchased a bunch of pine picture frames from Michaels and used the leftover paint from the changing table to paint the outsides of the frames. I then purchased different woodland themed scrap book paper and framed them while also incorporating a favorite Bible passage, some photos, and a few gifts we had receieved from friends. My friend Evelina made the awesome bunting flags as well as the letters and measuring stick!
For the top of the changing station, we screwed in a changing pad, the changing pad cover was purchased from an Etsy shop called Buttercup Forrest. I purchased the wooden tray and crate from Michael's to hold diapers, antibacterial gel, lotion, and diaper cream, then stained them to match the measuring stick Evelina made for me!
We decided not to clutter the room with a bureau, so we are hanging most of Luke's clothes, but we did get this great hang-able closet organizer from Target along with the bins inside of it that have really helped us keep the small things like bibs, socks, and towels all together!

So, now I have nothing else to do except impatiently wait for a little boy to fill up this room! Luckily, I have lots of children's books to practice reading to my big belly!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

37 Weeks, Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! This year has been an interesting one for us as it was the first year that Brendan and I stayed at our own home for Christmas and decorated a tree. With my current state of pregnant-ness, traveling just wasn't really a smart option, so we just decided to stay put and have a low key Christmas enjoying each other. I'm 37 weeks now which means Luke is full term and can come at any time now! Although I've been having contractions every once in a while, I've never been too concerned that I was going into labor or anything. I still feel pretty good but I get tired easily and my feet hurt if I stand or walk for too long... for instance if I go to Chapel Hill for the day and walk around a lot... which we did Monday.

For Christmas Eve, Brendan invited about 13 of his Soldiers who weren't home for Christmas over for a home cooked meal. I made ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, salad, cranberry cheesecake and some awesome stuffed dinner rolls. Luckily, I was able to do most of the preparation the day before and just stick the sides in the oven to warm up on Christmas Eve which made it so much less stressful!  I didn't go crazy decorating either because I wanted to make sure it was easy enough to take down and that cleaning could be done quickly in case of emergency... for instance, my water breaking. Here are some photos of our kitchen set for max capacity, and our living room!

After they left, we tried to go to a candle light service at a local church with one of our friends... we ended up at the wrong church with a similar name 20 minutes away from the right one. We decided to go anyways and made it in time for the last few songs. Moral of that story is: don't let the pregnant person research churches because she'll probably get it wrong.

I couldn't resist getting out my camera and testing out the new tripod my parents got me as a baby shower gift, so I convinced Brendan to let me dress up the dogs and take a few photos by the tree!

Today, we just woke up and exchanged presents, watched the Grinch, and then headed over to friends from church's house for some chili and a lot of Christmas cookies. Last Sunday, our pastor spoke about how Jesus was supposed to bring peace, and how in this life, it's difficult because we don't see it yet, and it's sometimes difficult to endure and hold onto that hope we have found in Jesus especially when we have trouble seeing God in the mess of our world. Over the past few weeks, I have been made aware of just how difficult this reality is as I watch friends deal with circumstances that I can hardly begin to imagine. I read an excerpt of a Tim Keller sermon and thought I would post it here since he can explain the joy in Christmas despite life's burdens much better than me:

 “If you’re bearing burdens, if you’re struggling with the life issues and real troubles (and an awful lot of people are), Christmas is a tough time. The message is, ‘You should have fun. This is Christmas!’ That just makes it worse. Suffering people at Christmas want to know, ‘On what basis does Christmas really offer me joy? Why should I be merry?’ The answer is this: If Christmas really happened — if God really did break into our broken reality with his healing power, and if he really became a human being — Christmas gives us a solid basis for joy we can have in any circumstance.” Tim Keller: [2006 Christmas sermon
2000 years ago, Christ was born into obscurity in a barn. He spent his life loving those considered unlovable, performing miracles and living in a world that he knew would never understand him, and that would kill him. God did this for us so that one day when we stand in front of him, we will know that our failures have been forgiven because Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace lived the life we should have lived and died the death we deserved so that when we call upon Him, He could take our guilt and shame, and we could be considered spotless and perfect in God's eyes. No matter what our daily struggles are, and how many times we blow it again and again, this promise is enough. This life's struggles are worth the eternity that Jesus Christ was born to give those who believe in Him.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and His name shall be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,  PRINCE OF PEACE.  Isaiah 9:6
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas.

How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 35.. before Christmas
Maternity clothes? ughhhhh
Stretch marks? Still none so far!
Sleep: not great
Best moment this week: Christmas festivities
Miss Anything? being able to get up without a crane assisting me
Movement:all the time.
Food cravings: sour patch kids, brownies, cranberry juice, hot chocolate
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: yeah, strangers try to touch my belly
Labor Signs: infrequent contractions
Belly Button in or out? OUT
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody? Happy and exhausted
Looking forward to: Doctor's appointment on Friday, New Years, and meeting this little man

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


So, I'm at that point in my pregnancy where I actually don't remember what it's like to not be pregnant. It's going to be so weird to not feel little movements in my stomach! This past week I cut my work schedule back to half days for the most part at the church which has been helpful in giving me an extra boost of energy. I put together my hospital bag for the most part, but I still find myself thinking of things I forgot... you'd think I was packing to go to a deserted island where there were no convenience stores in sight instead of a hospital 15 minutes from my house!

Brendan is also on half days this week since the rest of his unit is on block leave. We decided it would be better if we didn't take leave since we aren't going anywhere anyways... Although I don't know if we'll ever be able to use all this accumulated time since Brendan missed summer block leave due to being down in Georgia! It's been nice having the afternoons together instead of just a few rushed hours before he goes to bed like we usually do during the week.

Last weekend was the Army-Navy football game (don't want to talk about the score), and we also had a Tacky Sweater Christmas Party with some friends from church! Luckily, Brendan and I had some pretty ugly turtlenecks and vests from the year before that we were able to wear, and even more luckily, mine fit! Here are a few snapshots from that!

We look awesome

a cute couple if I ever saw one

the guys looked great too

I should also mention that once again, Brendan trumped everyone with his weird ability to be artistic and also a genius by taking over the gingerbread house making.

Brendan and I are really trying to make the most of the time that we have left as two before Luke's arrival! We are so excited to meet him, but (at least on my end) very nervous about being new parents! We went to the movies last Friday and during the previews I started crying because I knew that in a month that spontaneous movie dates were out of the question... yes I know this is ridiculous and that at SOME point we will get a babysitter, but I was feeling a little sentimental.

Luke has been given his eviction notice.

How far along?
36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: haven't stepped on the scale since the doctor but probably between 33 and 35
Maternity clothes? I think I'm going to wear a burlap sack for the next month
Stretch marks? Still none so far!
Sleep: I waiver between having good nights and having nights where the slightest sound of Brendan's breathing keeps me up for hours
Best moment this week: holiday party with our church friends complete with ugly sweaters!
Miss Anything? sleeping on my back, and putting peppermint schnapps in hot chocolate
Movement: alien in stomach.
Food cravings: sour patch kids, brownies, cranberry juice, hot chocolate
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: people from church can't believe I still have a month to go. I think they thought I should have given birth yesterday
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out? OUT
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody? Happy, but emotional.
Looking forward to: Doctor's appointment on Friday!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

35 Weeks...Go Army Beat Navy!

Okay, so I take back any time I ever uttered the words, "the third trimester isn't so bad." BECAUSE IT'S SO BAD! Or at least compared to the rest of my pregnancy. Braxton Hicks contractions are making my life miserable along with heartburn, chronic dizziness when I do anything from climbing a flight of stairs to readjusting the way I sit. Oh, and I officially don't fit into anything and spend 30 minutes every morning trying on clothes and then throwing myself a pity party for one when everything looks terrible. And speaking of emotions, I cry about EVERYTHING, and sometimes I cry about nothing.

Anyways, other than that, I am one week closer to Luke's arrival and starting to do things like pack his hospital bag, pack my bag, and panic about labor. 

This is one of the only football games I watch all year!
 How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 31 pounds when I went to the doctor
Maternity clothes? yeah and some of those don't even fit!
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: still taking Benadryl before bed since my baby likes to dance and night and my husband likes to sleep with his head on my pillow... why wont people just give me some room?!
Best moment this week: going to a movie with Brendan
Miss Anything? sleeping on my back
Movement: yes, yes, yes.
Food cravings: all things spicy and frozen yogurt, and sour patch kids, and cranberry juice
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: I went to the mall yesterday and horrified my friend by resting my belly on the checkout counter of a store... oops
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out? OUT
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody? Happy, but emotional.
Looking forward to: ARMY NAVY FOOTBALL GAME!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

When Should Someone Get Married?

Yesterday I went to an FRG* meeting with my husband, and along with the normal briefing his Company Commander gave regarding upcoming events, a Military and Family Life Counselor also spoke to us about the upcoming holidays. She reminded us that holidays aren't easy for all people, and gave some tips with how to deal with stress related to the holidays, and I nodded with her, agreeing with most of the points she made... until she asked if there were any single soldiers out there. She said she had a message especially for them, and that message was: if you have been dating someone for less than two years, don't get engaged or married to them.

While I understood the point she was trying to make, the vague reasons she gave behind why they should wait made no sense to me. Reasons like, the things that bother you now but you overlook only get worse, and you think this is what you want right now, but will you still want it in two years? Needless to say, I was a little offended by what I felt was a blanket statement, and confused by her lack of good reasons and wanted to stand up and say SHE'S WRONG! (much to the relief of my husband, I did not). 

If you don't regularly read my blog, Brendan and I met each other 3 years ago this coming January, said I love you by the first week of February, and we were engaged 6 months later (you can read more about that here)...and I wouldn't do anything differently. Marriage is difficult, and while it might be true that the longer you know someone the more you are in-tuned to their little idiosyncrasies, whether you have been with your spouse since age 14 or 14 days life as one will never be what you expected it to be.

I believe that there are a lot of wrong reasons to get married, such as for money, to escape a current living situation, because you believe it will solve some problem, or my favorite... "because... why not?"; And I believe that this woman was probably trying to caution these guys against getting married for one of those reasons, but the problem is, the same bad reasons to get married exist when you know someone for 5 minutes and for 5 years. There are tons of people who have dated for years who still get married for all the wrong reasons, it's just somehow more acceptable. I think that it's not as much about how well you know someone or how long you've been with them as it is about how well you know yourself.

How Did I "Know" When I Was Ready To Get Married?

That's pretty easy, I didn't. Well, let me rephrase that. I don't think that you can be "ready" to get married, because no matter how many people tell you about marriage and it's struggles, and how many preparation books you read, you always think that your marriage will be the exception to the rule because you found "the one" but, the harsh reality is that you're wrong and it won't. Marriage is tough, but on the days when it seems especially difficult, Brendan is the only person who looks at me, sometimes half-amused, when I am crying hysterically about some unimportant thing and says "I love you anyways even when nothing you say makes sense, now come over here, sit and calm down." I once asked him if he ever wished he didn't marry me when I'm being irrational like that, and his response was, "No, but sometimes I wish you would go to sleep." 

I already wrote a post about how Brendan and I don't believe in soul-mates and about why I chose to marry Brendan, and I stand by all those reasons, but more than half the reason I chose to marry Brendan had nothing to do with him, it had to do with me. While I do not claim to be a marriage expert, last night got me thinking, When is someone "ready" to get married? So, upon looking back on my experiences, I put together a few questions that might help someone who is asking themselves if they're ready to get married. I think that being able to honestly answer "yes" to some, if not all, of these questions is vital to entering into marriage.

Are you able to be alone?

There are a lot of sayings out there about how you shouldn't be with someone until you're able to be alone with yourself, and that is so true. When I was younger, I had a few long term relationships, and at the time I think was sure that if I was to get married the next day, I would be ready. I felt like I needed these people, and I wasn't really sure who I was without them. Looking back, I've realized I did a lot of changing who I was and what I believed to fit into those relationships, I hated the idea of being alone, more than the thought of compromising who I was. The changes were never very drastic, in fact they were pretty subtle, but they were just significant enough that when I look back I remember never feeling quite comfortable or confident that I could really be myself or that if I was myself that I could be loved.

Eventually, those relationships ended, I found myself alone and to my great surprise, I found out that I was okay. It wasn't really something I considered sad or happy, it was just a fact. I was alone and I was okay, but I wasn't really quite sure of who I was or what exactly I believed anymore. I felt a little bit like Julia Roberts in the Runaway Bride who didn't know what type of eggs she liked because she always just said she liked the type of eggs her fiance liked. So, I spent the next few years learning to live with myself and accepting who I was. This is not to say that I haven't changed since then and that I won't change, because marriage changes you, it's that when I stood in front of Brendan for the first time, I was confident in who I was. I wasn't looking for ways to mold myself into a female version of him, and I knew that if things didn't work out I would be okay.

This photo was taken one weekend that I decided to go to Washington DC by myself, I would have never be able to hang out with myself for an entire weekend 2 years before that

Are you able to own your feelings without blaming others?

This is a tough one for me. I always had a tough time not measuring my self-worth by the temperature of my relationship at that moment. It was difficult not having someone else that I could use to justify my feelings of happiness or sadness, and just realizing that sometimes I was just sad, and whatever I was feeling was completely dependent on me. 

It's so easy in relationships to believe that you aren't in control of your emotions and that the reason for your happiness, sadness or anger is someone else. Unfortunately the truth is a little bit foggier than that. Yes, people can do things that make you sad, angry, happy, etc. (especially in marriage) but often,  the way you feel has less to do with those things and more to do with something internal and if you can't distinguish the difference, then you will constantly be using your spouse as a scapegoat for something they have nothing or little to do with, and/or you will also become dependent on that person for your happiness and eventually be disappointed when you realize they can't always deliver that.

Are you ready to put yourself second?

After you recognize who you are independently, it becomes a lot easier to begin to see what you should be putting in and getting out of relationships. Being married and being selfish don't really mesh together too well, and life is not always convenient, and if you aren't willing to put someone else's needs before yours, then you should probably not get married yet (the same goes if you are dating someone unwilling to sometimes put your needs first, they are probably not ready to get married yet, and you probably need to re-assess the health of your relationship). 

When Brendan and I began dating, I was working in New York City at a job that I had just gotten and had been striving to get since I moved to New York two years prior. He was a senior at West Point which was located about 60 miles or an hour train ride outside of the City and on top of his heavy course load was busy as captain of the triathlon team which caused him to train for almost 20 hours every week. Deciding to date each other was not necessarily the most convenient choice for either of us. He made an effort to spend every free weekend with me, even if that meant riding his bike into New York City to ensure he also got his workout in, I remember one specific weekend that we had a ball to go to and he also had to complete a 3 hour bike ride, but didn't want to leave me alone so he put his bike on a trainer and did the workout inside  while I sat and read a book. On Wednesdays I would take the hour train ride out after work to a town close to West Point for date nights. These things were little sacrifices that we made to make our relationship work at the time, but at some point, I realized that for us to work long term, I would have to give up my job in New York and follow him to wherever it was he needed to go, but I needed to come to a place in my life where I could do that willingly and without holding a grudge. 

If you want a relationship to work, you have to sacrifice. Sometimes you have to sacrifice dreams, careers, and even harder you have to sacrifice your feelings and ego... but here is the key: you must do this willingly, happily, and with no expectation that they will "repay" you for it. My pastor's wife constantly encourages us to "lay ourselves down"  and what she means by that is that we need to lay our own wants and needs down to be able to serve the other person. That is something that is consistently necessary from both people in marriage. Relationships cannot always be 50/50, there will be times when you feel like its 99/1 or even 100/0, but there will also be times where you can't give and where your spouse will need to be the one giving 99%. Once I realized that I would quit my job, leave my friends and family to embark on a journey with Brendan to help him fulfill his dreams and knew that I would do this regardless of what I would "get" out of it, I realized I could, in fact, marry this man.

This photo is from when Brendan and I were dating, he had a test or something on Monday, so he brought his work into the City and we spent an afternoon with him reading and me studying. Brendan could have easily just said he couldn't come that weekend and stayed at school, but he made the trip anyways.

So, I got married.. now what?

This is a small list and probably not even a great one, but I can confidently say that if I had answered "no" to any of these questions, then I had no business being married. If you are already married and wondering what you got yourself into, don't worry... we all wonder that every once in a while. Marriage will be a struggle, especially if you're doing it right.

When I was talking to my friend Hunter about some of the things Brendan and I have been working through lately, she pointed out that it is better to struggle for intimacy with your spouse than settle for harmony... which basically means fight for your relationship! If things are going poorly, don't stop communicating because you feel like it's easier than arguing because unless you work through whatever was wrong, it wont disapear no matter how many times you make a wish that it will... and if you're the one that needs to apologize, do it, because stubbornness doesn't solve anything and you'll still be wrong even if you don't admit it.

Do I think you should marry the next person you meet if you can answer yes to these questions? No. But I do think it wrong to dis-encourage people who want to get married for the right reasons just because they don't know each other long enough by society's standards. I don't think there is a secret formula to how long you should know someone before you get married because getting married isn't an event, its an on going process and no matter how long you've known your spouse or how well you think know them, there will be days when you look at them and say "Who are you?" (and just as many when the question is directed at you!)

I think being prepared for marriage has a lot more to do with being able to self-reflect, knowing who you are and being able to ask yourself the hard questions instead of waiting for someone to come along and ask them for you... and even when you think you're prepared you're not, but marriage is a blessing. Even during the worst days, it's still a blessing. I love being married and would do anything to protect my marriage, which leads to probably the most important question you should ask yourself if you want to get married.

If you were to get married, would you do anything and everything to protect that marriage?

*For those not affiliated with the military, FRG stands for Family Readiness Group, and helps keeps army families abreast of upcoming training events and deployment that their soldiers will take part in so that we can prepare and provides a support network for families. If you are a military family, and are not involved with your FRG, I would suggest trying to become involved, its a great way to connect with people who have similar life experiences to you!

Monday, December 9, 2013

34 Weeks

Well, I'm a little late this week with posting. We got back from Thanksgiving in Florida with my parents on Sunday evening and have basically been going non-stop ever since. Florida was lots of fun, we got to see my parents and grandmother, walk around Downtown Disney, play around on the golf cart- we figured out it goes from 0-20mph in 7 seconds, and even had time for Brendan to do a cross country race Saturday morning! Here are some photos from Thanksgiving:
Thanksgiving Morning on my parent's porch

Downtown Disney
My dad even bought me a caramel apple!

Driving the golf cart

Disclaimer: this was his cool down that I was running with him

Since we returned, life has been crazy. We both had long weeks at work and a pretty hectic weekend! One bright spot for me was that on Thursday, I got to be a hair model for my hairdresser at her salon while they did a class with Bumble and Bumble which meant that not only did I get a free haircut, I also got some free styling products! It was awesome! Saturday, we spent most of the day at church with Brendan doing a men's work day and myself decorating the church with a few ladies for Christmas, and then we came back at night so Brendan could practice with Sunday's worship team. In between all that, we managed to clean the house, purchase and set up a Christmas tree! This will be the first year we have a tree because the other years we have traveled to be with our families for Christmas.

This is my favorite time of the year. I love everything about it from the smells, to the colored lights, to the movie specials, the songs sung at church, giving presents, and extra reasons to put one more marshmallow in your hot chocolate. Of course, this year is extra special, which means that I am also extra emotional, I feel like I could cry at least once an hour.
The Christmas Tree!

Another thing I love about Christmas? The overwhelming urge I have to have a fire in the fireplace!

I had my bi weekly doctor's appointment on Friday and everything seems normal. I had the doctor that made me cry the last time I had him, but he was much nicer this time. I'm glad I went to see him again because I would  definitely feel anxious if the next time I saw him was when I was in labor. I've been having a few contractions per day for the past week or so, but the doctor says that's totally normal, it usually just means I over did it or didn't drink enough water. My only complaints are that I have had pretty bad heartburn the past few weeks (need to cut out the hot sauce), my back is always killing me, and I'm just exhausted! Sometimes I just really wish that Luke would get here already!

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 31 pounds when I went to the doctor
Maternity clothes? yeah and some of those don't even fit!
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: I have discovered that Benadryl is wonderful
Best moment this week: setting up the Christmas tree!
Miss Anything? sleeping on my back
Movement: yes, yes, yes.
Food cravings: cereal and hot sauce.. not together.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: can this be changed to "do random strangers ask if you're going into labor when you sigh?"
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out? OUT
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody? Happy, but emotional.
Looking forward to: ARMY NAVY FOOTBALL GAME!