Wednesday, August 28, 2013

20 Week Update, Our Halfway Point

I seriously cannot believe that I am halfway through my pregnancy. I feel so overwhelmed! This week I discovered what round ligament pain really feels like. Earlier I had thought that a few quick pangs in my stomach was round ligament pain and thought to myself, "this isn't that bad..." WRONG. I woke up yesterday and thought I had torn an ab muscle rolling over in bed. Apparently that's just what round ligament pain really feels like. I go to the doctor next week so I guess I will mention it, but I doubt there's much they can tell me to do except tell me to stop rolling around at night

It's been nice to have Brendan home at night this week and to have him take the trash out because I still can't stand doing that. I'm hoping we'll have a chance this weekend to catch up since he's been playing catch up at work all week and wants food and pillows by the time I see him. Luckily, since its Labor Day Weekend, we should have some extra time together before he heads back into the field. 

By the way, Brendan being gone again means I have to bully one of my friends into taking my belly photos for the next 2 weeks again. Sorry in advance. I do want to give a big shout out to my husband who managed to get my belly shot with only ONE photo this week. Brendan, your photography skills are improving immensely.

pregnant caution cone anyone?

How far along? 20 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: still haven't hopped on the scale recently. i'm guessing 10lbs
Maternity clothes? nothing new, but definitely using the stuff I do have. I feel like I'm wearing the same 6 shirts over and over again
Stretch marks? No, but I feel like they're inevitable
Sleep: I know, I know, rest now while you can... pregnant people are too uncomfortable to sleep
Best moment this week: does best meal this week count as best moment? If so, I made pot roast yesterday and it was awesome!
Miss Anything? honestly, now that it's not a million degrees outside, I wouldnt mind going for a bike ride. Unfortunately, my balancing skills were sub-par before the growing bowling ball attached to my midsection, so I don't think taking a joy ride would be so smart right now.
Movement: movements are getting more frequent
Food cravings: pumpkin spice latte... FYI Starbucks here has not gotten the pumpkin syrup yet... I checked... 3 times
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: sigh....
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? neither, its completely flat. and to make it worse Brendan thinks I'm faking it and tells me to stop sicking my belly out like that. He is mistaken, there is no faking this. I used to think belly buttons were cute... no longer
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: having a cranky week.
Looking forward to: Next week's doctor's appointment, Florida, and seeing Brendan for longer than 7 days... (fingers crossed!)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Really Past Due 19 Week Bumpdate

So, this week it took me a really long time to get a photo because I felt guilty harassing my friends to come over and take a photo of me and Brendan got home Friday (yay!) so I made him take the photo yesterday. So I am really like halfway through week 19 but Brendan has staff duty tonight so I figured I'd type one up.

This week has been okay, I've started to feel a little tired and a lot heavier. I enjoy naps, going to the gym is not as "fun" as it used to be, and my clothes are officially fitting really funny. I'm continuing to try to hold off on buying maternity stuff/stuff that fits since I will get bigger in the fall and don't want to waste my money on summer clothes, but I have gotten a few t-shirts from Old Navy and Target that I really like.

Brendan is home for about 1 week which makes me excited, and when he leaves I'm going to go visit my parent's at their new house in Florida. This pregnant person is excited about floating herself in a pool and possibly eating her way through Epcot!

Belly is looking ROUND

How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: afraid to go on the scale this week so I'm going to stick with when the doctor told me I gained 6lbs at my last apt but I think I might be up about 10lbs from pre-pregnancy now
Maternity clothes? nothing new, but definitely using the stuff I do have. I'm trying to hold off on buying stuff since I will be most pregnant in the fall (see above paragraph)
Stretch marks? No, but I have been searching
Sleep: I have begun using a body pillow because I am not comfortable.
Best moment this week: Seeing Brendan's dirty laundry because it means he's home!
Miss Anything? still wine.. and I would like some Ahi Tuna.
Movement: feeling some movement but it's not too frequent yet
Food cravings: my caramel apple cravings are infamous, they were brought up in the Sunday sermon today... pregnant people problems.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: yeah um, my clothes don't fit, and people are touching my belly (CREEPY)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? HALF OF MY BELLY BUTTON IS OUT! EW! It's only half so far though...
Wedding rings on or off? On, although during my walk today my hands got super swollen
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...? umm... ask Brendan..
Looking forward to: lots and lots of movement and taking a trip to Florida to float in my parents' pool... and hang out with them... but do a lot of floating too.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dream Nursery for Baby Fox

Did I not say I was going to go design the nursery? Well, it might not be put together yet, but my parents purchased the crib for us as a present and the wall decals are currently shipping to our house.

Brendan cleared out the baby room before he left for training except for a comfy chair that will stay and an Ikea Expedit shelving unit I will be re-purposing into a changing table, so I have been spending a lot of time in there sitting and dreaming up how I want the room to look. My pet peeve is when babies rooms look like sitting rooms or museums where you feel like you can't touch anything. I fully expect that there will be toys everywhere, and I really really like the idea of a forest theme for Baby Luke's room.

Below I compiled some items that would make up my dream nursery. A few of them we've already purchased and some will probably stay in the dream nursery and not  make their way into the real one, but that's what dreams are for!

Dream Nursery for Baby Fox

1. I am ordering this sweet forest friends decal to put on Luke's wall. We don't want to have to paint since we rent the house and will be moving soon so this will be perfect to bring in a pop of color.

2. Before you environmentalists freak out this is a FAUX fur area rug. I think that these types of rugs are so soft and that Luke would really like to crawl around on it. I really like the color of this one, but this website is a little pricey so I will probably look around for a better deal on one.

3. I really love this mobile from Etsy. I think it's adorable, I kind of wonder how hard it would be to make one, but I know I'm not very artsy so it might be a disaster. 

4. OKAY so this awesome tree bookshelf is most definitely on my "if I win the lottery I will buy this" list. It's so stinkin adorable but SO EXPENSIVE. I had to add it to the dream nursery anyways because hey, a girl can dream!

5. This cute little fox pillow is part of the crib set I registered for from Target... although I would be perfectly happy with just the pillow too!

6. Because what little boy doesn't want a giant stuffed deer???

7. After hours of research, and looking on Consumer Reports, we decided that we wanted the Graco Lauren Signature Crib in Walnut. It was ranked #3 on Consumer Reports, can convert into a toddler bed and full size bed and is the simple look we were going for as far as nursery furniture.

The crib arrived at our house over the weekend and looks great! I'm super excited to find some more fun stuff for this room!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

18 Week Bumpdate and Baby Fox Has a Name!

Hello! 18 weeks, and time is flying by! After getting over the shock of finding out that we're having a baby boy, I promptly planned out his nursery (post coming soon on that), ordered the crib, and really started updating my registry.

***if any moms reading this have suggestions for things that they just can't live without please comment!***

On Monday, after returning from work, I found a bat in my house which was probably the scariest moment of my life. I started calling my friends with husbands I thought might be home who could help me kill it but they weren't around. Luckily, my friend Katelyn whose husband works with Brendan came over and we put it in a box and threw it away (Abigail already injured it so it couldn't fly, thanks dog!). My take away from this experience: bats are gross, I hate them, I would not wish bats on my worst enemy, and I am thankful to have friends that will help me kill them.

One thing that has really been making mornings awesome for me this week is discovering that Coffee Mate makes girl scout cookie flavored creamers. I've been putting Thin-Mint creamer in my coffee which has made going from from having Half-Caf coffee (which I started drinking when I found out I was pregnant) all the way down to Decaf more bearable... for those who know how much I love coffee and caffeine, you know that this is a huge feat for me.

Luke is growing, and so is my stomach. ugh.

How far along? 18 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained 6lbs, doctor says that for my size that's good.
Maternity clothes? nothing new, but definitely using the stuff I do have. I'm trying to hold off on buying stuff since I will be most pregnant in the fall.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: still having some problems falling asleep but once I am asleep I'm usually ok!
Best moment this week:  Finding out the sex of the baby!
Miss Anything? sushi and wine. I really miss having a glass of red wine.
Movement: just started feeling some kicks
Food cravings: still loving caramel apples, this thin mint creamer is making me pretty happy, and pasta (which I haven't actually been eating)
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: yeah um, my clothes don't fit.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? getting shallower and shallower
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but still self-conscious about my body.
Looking forward to: lots and lots of movement and having Brendan home for a few weeks

So we decided to name the baby Luke Michael! We named him Luke after Luke of the New Testament who was the author of the Gospel of Luke as well as the Book of Acts, and Brendan's middle name is Michael so we decided it would be nice for him to have the same middle name (we didn't want his first name to be Michael because it's too close to Michael J. Fox). We are so excited and I am trying super hard to start calling him Luke instead of baby!

Monday, August 12, 2013

It's A...

So Friday and Saturday were probably the two longest days of my life. At 8:15 Friday morning, I went to my ultrasound appointment with my friend Tracey. The ultrasound was awesome! Baby Fox looked like a baby instead of a spot or jelly bean! Baby was even sucking it's thumb and had the hiccups which made it's entire body almost fold in half. It was really cute!

Baby Fox hanging out sucking it's thumb

After leaving the doctors office, Tracey put a sign that was made by my friend Evelina with the correct gender in a frame and put it in a box that we wrapped and I put in the back of my car to head down to Georgia to see Brendan. The next 24 hours were kind of like torture because we had this box that we couldn't open which had the sex of our baby in it! Brendan actually got really upset at one point because he thought that I peeked because I kept referring to Baby Fox as "she". I just had a really big feeling that it was a girl.

Saturday we tried really hard to stay busy, and then we met up with our friend Catherine who is an awesome photographer in the area and took our gender reveal photos for us. (Check out her website here for more of her amazing photography!!)

We decided that once we opened the box, we would look away while we pulled the frame out and then count to 3 and look together so here is what we saw when we looked!

So I was wrong! It's a boy! (See Brendan? I didn't peek!) We are so excited to have a little baby boy in January, and I'm pretty positive Brendan is dreaming up all of the forts and train tracks that they are going to make as I write this. Meanwhile, I have to re-do my Pinterest board because since I was sort of expecting a girl, I have more pink ideas than blue. Our parents are super excited and we have a name picked out that is to be announced later.

Brendan and I are both so thankful to our friends who took time out of their busy lives to help us do this. Evelina made two great signs, Tracey woke up super early on her day off to come with me to my Dr's appointment and Cat who took time on a Saturday away from her husband and baby to photograph this for us. We are so grateful to all of you .

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go plan this baby's nursery!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

17 Weeks... Boy or Girl?

Hello week 17!!! I go to the doctor tomorrow for my checkup and an ultrasound where hopefully this baby cooperates and we can see if it's a boy or girl! My friend Tracey volunteered to go with me since Brendan can't be there and I'm going to ask the doctor to put the sex in an envelope so Brendan and I can find out together on Saturday during a gender reveal photo-shoot!

I've been feeling pretty good this week except for my back has been killing me. Ever since August has hit, and my teacher friends have started getting ready to go back to school, I've been thinking of fall. This means that I have bought a few bags of apples and some caramel dip and have been partaking in about 4 caramel apples a day as a mid-day snack and after dinner desert!


This week went by really quickly! Friday I went up to Raleigh with two of my friends and we went to the State Farmers Market, the mall and a quick trip to Trader Joe's because they don't have one here! I loved the farmer's market and would go like every single weekend, my friend Tracey introduced me to muscadine grapes (which I ate an entire bag of on the way home) and I have been searching everywhere for them ever since. On our way up to Raleigh, I got a phone call from Brendan saying he got done with the class he's taking in GA and decided to drive home for the weekend so I had an unexpected weekend with my husband which I am super thankful for!

we are really bad at remembering to take photos but here's one with a sleepy Carrie!

Remind me not to wear this dress again for the rest of my pregnancy.

How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained 3ish lbs.. I haven't weighed myself in a few days but I guess I will find out tomorrow for sure!
Maternity clothes? I went up to Raleigh with some friends last Friday and picked up some shirts that aren't maternity but have room to grow for the end of summer and got a pair of yellow maternity jeans on sale on Zulilly!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I have some trouble falling asleep because my lower back hurts on my right side, but once I'm out, I'm out.
Best moment this week: a surprise visit from my husband and a girls trip to Raleigh
Miss Anything? sushi and for some reason I wanted a Subway sandwich this week... I don't even like sandwiches
Movement: Not sure, I thought I felt some flutters Friday and Sunday nights but I'm not positive
Food cravings: CARAMEL APPLES.
Anything making you queasy or sick: only when I forget to drink enough water
Have you started to show yet: I would say... yes
Gender prediction: we'll know tomorrow but since ALL of my friends are having boys, someone has to have a girl!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? it's in but its getting pretty shallow
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but self-conscious about my body.
Looking forward to: seeing the little baby on the ultrasound tomorrow and finding out the gender!

I was kind of dragging my feet on posting my photo this week because I am really starting to deal with some body image issues. I just don't feel pretty right now and am being extremely critical of myself, every time I see my arms in the mirror I feel like I need to do push-ups or something. I know that a lot of it is emotions and that gaining weight is healthy but I really do understand now why it's hard for women when they're pregnant and their body doesn't look like what they're used to.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I Choose Him

On Sunday, Brendan sent me this blog post to read. In the post, the writer explains that her husband is not her soul-mate because the entire idea of soul-mates is not biblical, and I agree. We are not placed into marriage to fit each other like a glove and gaze into each other's eyes, we were placed in marriage to glorify and honor God by keeping our covenant to love and cherish each other no matter what. It was really refreshing for us to have a conversation in which we both said, "No, I wasn't destined to be with you since before I even met you, but I choose you."

 While I did't grow up in an evangelical youth culture like the author of the other blog post had, I did grow up watching a lot of Disney movies and romantic comedies which all kind of end with the same scene: something terrible happens, someone almost dies, then the characters realize they're supposed to be together and then fireworks randomly shoot off and the lovers kiss and sail off into the sunset together. Totally not realistic, but I remember watching those movies at sleepovers and then discussing with my friends all of the qualities my future husband had to have, which was basically the equivalent of a not-cartoon version of Prince Charming who looked like Freddie Prinz Jr.

So, he might not actually be Prince Charming but he is pretty cute.

God gives you Christ as the foundation of your marriage. 
“Welcome one another, therefore, as Christ has welcomed 
you, for the glory of God” (Rom. 15:7). . . . Don’t insist 
on your rights, don’t blame each other, don’t judge or 
condemn each other, don’t find fault with each other, 
but accept each other as you are, and forgive each other 
every day from the bottom of your hearts.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Letters and Papers from Prison, 31–32

When I was younger, I would analyze my boyfriends, trying to pick out signs to see if they were "the one"... obviously I got mixed signals from all of the stupid things I imagined along the way like if they showed up wearing blue then it was meant to be and then they showed up wearing a color that was almost blue. As I grew up and went through a few serious relationships, I started to realize that it really isn't about finding "the one" it's about choosing "the one".  It's about figuring out which qualities actually matter, and getting past the less desirable ones that don't, because God and I both know that I have some undesirable qualities tucked away too.

After our conversation Sunday, I've been thinking about it while he's been gone... so why did I choose Brendan? To be honest, Brendan kind of chose me first. He was the first to say "I love you," and he bought me the engagement ring, but as he was choosing me, I was choosing him too. As most of our friends know, Brendan and I did not know each other very long before we got engaged and married. In fact, we met January 29, 2011 and were engaged July 9, so less than 6 months.

For me, choosing Brendan was something I didn't even realize I was doing until I had already chose him. I actually didn't even want to date him when I first met him because I knew he was in the Army, but I did. I said I would never give up my career for a guy, but I did. I never thought I would move to the South, but I did. I don't say these things to make myself look good or pump myself up, I say them because I was choosing to be with Brendan which was more important than those other things.

I was never one of those girls that had a list of qualities written down that I consulted upon meeting an eligible suitor... I just kind of figured out along the way from too many bad dates what I didn't like and Brendan ended up showing me what qualities were important to me. I did, however, compile a list this week of some of the qualities that I found in Brendan that helped me decide that he was, in fact, the one I wanted to choose.

  • He is someone I want to follow-  Brendan knows where his life is headed, he's always prepared and always has a plan. He knows what he wants, and when he makes a decision he inspires me to want to follow. Within our first month of dating I knew I would follow him anywhere... which is good because with his job path there really aren't many places that are off the table
  • He makes me feel safe- It doesn't matter what we are doing, Brendan always makes sure that I am safe. Whether it's holding my hand if we are in an area that he doesn't like, or making sure that when we bike ride he's closer to the traffic, he makes me feel safer. Just this past weekend, he decided he didn't like that we don't have a peephole on our front door so he went to Lowe's, picked up a peephole, drilled a hole in the door and now we have a peephole so I can see who's ringing the bell before I open the door.
  • He is honest- This is key, I trust Brendan, I believe every word that comes out of his mouth because he has never given me a reason to doubt him. I think it's safe to say we've all been lied to at some point in our lives and it stinks, it makes us have trust issues. This is not to say that later down the road he might slip up and tell a white lie (not that those are okay!) or I might just get insecure, but I am confident that Brendan would never give me a reason to question his honesty.
  • He is Kind-  One of the first things Brendan told me when we were dating is that he never wanted to be the reason I cried, that was the most kind thing anyone has ever said to me.  Unfortunately he did not know what he was getting himself into with that tall order, especially with a crazy now pregnant hormonal wife. While there have been their fair share of tears, and I usually stay upset longer than I need to because I'm stubborn, he is still kind. He never withholds his affection from me, he kisses me when he walks in at the end of the day, holds my hand before we go to bed no matter if we were fighting 5 minutes earlier, and hugs me goodbye every morning before he leaves.
  • He knows the worst of me and loves me anyways- There were things that I have told Brendan that I was positive were going to send him packing, but every time he has surprised me by hugging me and reassuring me that he loves me. 
He even lets me feel tall by letting me stand on benches!

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,endures all things. 
1 Corinthians 13: 7 

A big reason why relationships fail is because people wake up one day and don't make the choice to love the one they're with. Then they keep making that choice every day until they feel that there is no choice at all and they think that they just cannot love that person anymore.

When you get married to someone, it brings out all of the things you hate about yourself that you thought you could hide, and all of the things they thought they could hide. By choosing to love your spouse you are saying, "I see your imperfections and I accept those things too", if it didn't, why does Paul in his letter to the Corinthians tell us that "love bears all things... and endures all things"? When you choose to love someone every day, and know that they choose to love you back, it will transform how you view those imperfections. Instead of saying "I know he loves me, but he does this," you start saying "It bothers me when he does this, but I know he loves me." Love covers a multitude of sins and flaws. 

In a word, live together in the forgiveness of your sins, 
for without it no human fellowship, 
least of all a marriage, can survive.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer 
Letters and Papers from Prison, 31

In the end, I think Brendan and I chose each other for lots of reasons, Attraction, timing, specific qualities... they all came into play. And while we don't believe in soul-mates, I think we can agree that from the moment we met each other, we chose to stop looking for another person. We chose to love each other and endure each other, til' death do us part.

This is my way of saying "you chose me" to Brendan

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Letters to My Child: You Are Loved

After the initial shock and elation settled that I was actually going to be a mommy, I decided that I wanted to do something for each of my children that they might appreciate and maybe look back at much later in life. About a month ago I purchased a Moleskin notebook, and plan on writing letters to Baby Fox in it over the course of the next say... 18 years, then when they graduate high school, I'll give it to them. Obviously I won't be sharing most of these on my blog, but I might share a few, including this first one that I just wrote.

I feel that this will be a good way for my children to look back at their childhood and see how much they are loved. I know that we will make mistakes, and that sometimes even if we are acting out of love they might not see it at the time, so maybe this will help them see the treasure of their lives from the perspective of their mom.

To my little baby-

You are 16 weeks along in my belly, and you are loved. You have been loved since before we even knew that we were having you. Next week we find out if you are a boy or girl, but honestly that doesn't really matter to us because we would love you the same either way. 

Over the next 18 years, we will watch you grow and help you in the best ways that we can and know how. We will make some mistakes, and sometimes you might even doubt how much you are loved, but you are loved deeply. We will not be able to love you perfectly because we are not perfect, but the One who is perfect loves you perfectly. God has known you since before you were even an idea in our hearts, and He loves you perfectly as your eternal Father when we fall short.

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.

Psalm 139 13-16

Along the way, we might stumble on our selfish hopes and dreams for your life, but our only true hope is that you will grow to know and love the Lord your God, Jesus Christ and trust in Him as your true hope in life. We will want to make things easier for you when we can't and fix problems for you that are impossible for us to fix, but you can and you will be able to get through these things with hope and trust in Christ.

By the time I give this book to you, you will be 18 years old and unable to picture your mom at that age, but as I'm writing this, 18 years wasn't so long ago for me. I remember more vividly than I might later on of the struggles and temptations you will face in these next few years. So as you face them, take courage and realize that your identity is not found in how much money you make, what school you go to, the relationships you have, your victories, or your failures; Your identity is found at the foot of the Cross of Jesus. 

You are loved, unconditionally, limitlessly, and always by me.


Your Mom