Wednesday, August 28, 2013

20 Week Update, Our Halfway Point

I seriously cannot believe that I am halfway through my pregnancy. I feel so overwhelmed! This week I discovered what round ligament pain really feels like. Earlier I had thought that a few quick pangs in my stomach was round ligament pain and thought to myself, "this isn't that bad..." WRONG. I woke up yesterday and thought I had torn an ab muscle rolling over in bed. Apparently that's just what round ligament pain really feels like. I go to the doctor next week so I guess I will mention it, but I doubt there's much they can tell me to do except tell me to stop rolling around at night

It's been nice to have Brendan home at night this week and to have him take the trash out because I still can't stand doing that. I'm hoping we'll have a chance this weekend to catch up since he's been playing catch up at work all week and wants food and pillows by the time I see him. Luckily, since its Labor Day Weekend, we should have some extra time together before he heads back into the field. 

By the way, Brendan being gone again means I have to bully one of my friends into taking my belly photos for the next 2 weeks again. Sorry in advance. I do want to give a big shout out to my husband who managed to get my belly shot with only ONE photo this week. Brendan, your photography skills are improving immensely.

pregnant caution cone anyone?

How far along? 20 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: still haven't hopped on the scale recently. i'm guessing 10lbs
Maternity clothes? nothing new, but definitely using the stuff I do have. I feel like I'm wearing the same 6 shirts over and over again
Stretch marks? No, but I feel like they're inevitable
Sleep: I know, I know, rest now while you can... pregnant people are too uncomfortable to sleep
Best moment this week: does best meal this week count as best moment? If so, I made pot roast yesterday and it was awesome!
Miss Anything? honestly, now that it's not a million degrees outside, I wouldnt mind going for a bike ride. Unfortunately, my balancing skills were sub-par before the growing bowling ball attached to my midsection, so I don't think taking a joy ride would be so smart right now.
Movement: movements are getting more frequent
Food cravings: pumpkin spice latte... FYI Starbucks here has not gotten the pumpkin syrup yet... I checked... 3 times
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: sigh....
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? neither, its completely flat. and to make it worse Brendan thinks I'm faking it and tells me to stop sicking my belly out like that. He is mistaken, there is no faking this. I used to think belly buttons were cute... no longer
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: having a cranky week.
Looking forward to: Next week's doctor's appointment, Florida, and seeing Brendan for longer than 7 days... (fingers crossed!)

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