Monday, August 12, 2013

It's A...

So Friday and Saturday were probably the two longest days of my life. At 8:15 Friday morning, I went to my ultrasound appointment with my friend Tracey. The ultrasound was awesome! Baby Fox looked like a baby instead of a spot or jelly bean! Baby was even sucking it's thumb and had the hiccups which made it's entire body almost fold in half. It was really cute!

Baby Fox hanging out sucking it's thumb

After leaving the doctors office, Tracey put a sign that was made by my friend Evelina with the correct gender in a frame and put it in a box that we wrapped and I put in the back of my car to head down to Georgia to see Brendan. The next 24 hours were kind of like torture because we had this box that we couldn't open which had the sex of our baby in it! Brendan actually got really upset at one point because he thought that I peeked because I kept referring to Baby Fox as "she". I just had a really big feeling that it was a girl.

Saturday we tried really hard to stay busy, and then we met up with our friend Catherine who is an awesome photographer in the area and took our gender reveal photos for us. (Check out her website here for more of her amazing photography!!)

We decided that once we opened the box, we would look away while we pulled the frame out and then count to 3 and look together so here is what we saw when we looked!

So I was wrong! It's a boy! (See Brendan? I didn't peek!) We are so excited to have a little baby boy in January, and I'm pretty positive Brendan is dreaming up all of the forts and train tracks that they are going to make as I write this. Meanwhile, I have to re-do my Pinterest board because since I was sort of expecting a girl, I have more pink ideas than blue. Our parents are super excited and we have a name picked out that is to be announced later.

Brendan and I are both so thankful to our friends who took time out of their busy lives to help us do this. Evelina made two great signs, Tracey woke up super early on her day off to come with me to my Dr's appointment and Cat who took time on a Saturday away from her husband and baby to photograph this for us. We are so grateful to all of you .

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go plan this baby's nursery!!

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