Monday, December 30, 2013

Luke's Forest Themed Nursery

So, I have finally gotten around to taking some photos of Luke's Nursery! Over the past few months, Brendan and I have worked really hard putting Luke's room together and it's been a ton of fun! We knew going into decorating his room that while we wanted it to be a fun room for him to spend his first few years in, it is also almost certain that it will only be his first few years since Brendan will most likely be assigned to a new military post within the next couple of years, so we didn't want to break the bank! The only piece of furniture we ended up purchasing new was the crib, and everything else in the room is re-purposed except for some of the decorations.

Anyways, who wants to read about the room when  you can just see pictures instead?! Here are some photos of the room!
I love this beautiful forest wall decal that you see when you first walk into the room! I just think it's so fun! In the corner, you can see that we have a shelf hanging, on the shelf we have the baby monitor as well as a sound machine that also has an MP3 hook up in case we want to play some songs too! The rocking chair in the corner is the same rocking chair that my parents had for me, we put the blanket that went along with our bedding set over the top of it since babies aren't supposed to sleep with anything except a fitted sheet for a while and it was way too fun to leave in a closet for a year!
My parents graciously purchased our crib for us which was a huge blessing. We really liked this crib because it was simple, it's a great color, it can be converted into a toddler, then full size bed, it was ranked #3 for cribs in Consumer Reports, and at $179.00 it's not over priced, so we won't feel too guilty if it gets a few scratches on it during one of our moves!
Brendan and I bought a bird house from AC Moore and I painted it then had Brendan drill a hole in the bottom and put a 4 watt light bulb inside of it, it is now a night light!
This is the changing station as well as toy storage area! We also used a hanging basket that you would use in your kitchen to hang up some beanie babies that my parents had kept from my childhood! (The basket was also used in my childhood room!)
I repurposed a white Ikea Expedit shelf into a changing table by purchasing a few cans of sample paint from Home Depot and painting the outside a burnt orange and inside a mossy green color, I will post a tutorial on how I did it later! Inside the baskets, I have extra cloth diapers, sheets, and other supplies.
To create this photo collage, I purchased a bunch of pine picture frames from Michaels and used the leftover paint from the changing table to paint the outsides of the frames. I then purchased different woodland themed scrap book paper and framed them while also incorporating a favorite Bible passage, some photos, and a few gifts we had receieved from friends. My friend Evelina made the awesome bunting flags as well as the letters and measuring stick!
For the top of the changing station, we screwed in a changing pad, the changing pad cover was purchased from an Etsy shop called Buttercup Forrest. I purchased the wooden tray and crate from Michael's to hold diapers, antibacterial gel, lotion, and diaper cream, then stained them to match the measuring stick Evelina made for me!
We decided not to clutter the room with a bureau, so we are hanging most of Luke's clothes, but we did get this great hang-able closet organizer from Target along with the bins inside of it that have really helped us keep the small things like bibs, socks, and towels all together!

So, now I have nothing else to do except impatiently wait for a little boy to fill up this room! Luckily, I have lots of children's books to practice reading to my big belly!

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