Monday, February 11, 2013

Self-Preservation vs. Glorification

I have something to confess… I am awesome at self-preservation. I am really great at making conversation and relating to people, mostly because I want to fit in and be well liked. Lately, I have noticed myself saying certain things or acting certain ways that don’t line up with who I am in Christ. I find myself being surprised by how quickly I can become someone so ignorant of the grace God has given me, just to save face. On my good days, I see myself doing it and stop or try to turn my attention to God. On my bad days, which happen more often, I convince myself that I’m just being social and in reality I’m actually giving people a positive experience with a Christian because I’m not being judgmental and condescending.  I tell myself I’m glorifying God by nodding my head and remaining silent, when in fact I am turning my back on what I know to be true.

I have realized that we do a disservice to our friends who are not believers by making them believe that if they come to Christ, all their problems will disappear and life will be easy. Bottom line: that is not biblical and it’s certainly not true.  Throughout the Bible, especially the Book of Acts, it’s apparent following Jesus is not about what it gets you, the apostles get arrested, beaten, and killed and still they rejoiced knowing Jesus was enough.

In my life, the times when I am giving the most glory to God aren’t the days where I am successful at work, or the life of the party. The moments when I am glorifying Him, are when I bite my tongue instead of making a snappy comment at my husband, or when I share the love of Jesus Christ with someone because I want them to feel the joy that I do. Giving glory to God isn’t showing everyone how put together you are, its letting people know that  you are a complete mess and need to press in to the love of Christ to have the strength to get out of bed in the morning.

The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has never been that if you follow Him, things are going to work out and be fine. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is that no matter what, He is enough.  Glorifying God isn’t putting on a façade about how great your life is now that you have found Jesus. Glorifying God is setting our gaze on the hope of the Gospel. Glorifying God is acting out of love when we would prefer to act out of anger. Glorifying God is confessing how much we need Him. Glorifying God is resting in the truth that Jesus is coming back to set things right when you can’t rest in anything else. Glorifying God is pushing yourself to become closer to Him every day in hope that you will become more like Him.

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Matthew 7: 13-14

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