Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Week 16 Bumpdate and a Renewing Trip Down to Georgia!

Hello! At week 16, I'm  finally starting to realize how quickly time is flying. In 4 weeks I will be halfway through my pregnancy, and then there will be a baby in our lives! I'm starting to get a little nervous, but I'm lucky to be surrounded by lots of other moms who are patient enough to answer my 500 questions per day. Lately I've been having a lot of round ligament pain (sharp pains in your abdomen from your tummy stretching), and also have been feeling pretty dizzy and nauseous. I think that the dizziness was probably because I didn't drink enough water on Sunday and Monday, I've been feeling much better today (fingers crossed!)

 This past week was pretty busy for me, I went to visit Brendan who is down at Ft. Benning (where we lived before NC ) for training and got to catch up with some of my friends! I couldn't believe how much had changed in Columbus even since we moved in October. They had really built up the downtown area near the river with a bunch of great new restaurants as well as put in white water rafting right downtown! I spent some time downtown with our friends, and got to spend tons of time with my friend Lyndsay who is moving to Huntsville, AL this coming week to take a position on staff with Young Life. This means we will have to find a new meeting place, I've heard Nashville, TN is nice!

Lyndsay and I by the river

the end of the rapids

 It was also really nice to go back to our church that we went to there. It always feels like coming home since it was the first church that Brendan and I really attended together, and because of all the hugs we get from our sweet friends! It was also nice because since I work at our church here, Sundays sometimes feel a little stressed if I think I forgot something or if several people need to talk to me about upcoming activities, so it was so nice to be able to go to church and have nothing to do but worship the Lord and grow in His word.

As much as I love our life here, a part of me will always miss Columbus and our sweet friends there. Luckily as it stands right now, we should be moving back there for about 6 months in a few years for Brendan to get some extra training!

And now for the Bump Update!

Thanks to Evelina who subbed in for Brendan this week in photo taking!

How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained 3ish lbs, although it actually seems like I lost a little weight and am around +1 pound from pre-pregnancy
Maternity clothes? my mother in law sent me this cute maternity top that's in my photo from this week!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping A LOT
Best moment this week: hanging out with my husband and seeing my friends from GA
Miss Anything? having a rough week with craving sushi.
Movement: No, but soon I hope!
Food cravings: Spicy food, I put Siracha Sauce on everything.
Anything making you queasy or sick: bad smells and I've just been randomly feeling sick the past few days, I think I was dehydrated from driving home from GA.
Have you started to show yet: A little bump so far.. which is growing into a medium size bump
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? it's in but its getting pretty shallow
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy except little things can make me cry, but they can be happy or sad things so crying doesn't always mean I'm sad!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender, I can't believe that's next week already & feeling the baby move!

Like I said earlier, I seriously can't believe that this pregnancy is going by so quickly. It's also amazing that this little baby can already hear my voice. (I've tried not to sing because that might scare them) I've read that they can hear the dogs too, so it will make them less scared of dogs when they come home which is encouraging. I've even tried to put most of my conversations with Brendan on speaker phone so the baby can hear it's daddy's voice too!

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