Friday, July 18, 2014

First 6 Months Favorite Toys

There are so many things that you can buy for your baby. Gadgets that parents swear make their kids sleep better, sit up faster, turn into math geniuses... They make something for everything. Some stuff I don't put much stock into, but there are definitely a few items that ended up being super helpful and one or two that were essential for my and Luke's sanity.

Since the Army moves us around so much, Brendan and I try to be pretty minimalist when it comes to toys and things, but even minimalist makes our house seem more like a toy store than a house! Keeping a baby entertained is not as easy as you think! Here is my list of favorites for the first 6 months!

1. Lamaze Moose Toy- this toy has been Luke's favorite since he was about 6 weeks old! He used to like it when we rubbed the mooses' nose on his face, now he likes the fact that the antlers and tail are good for teething and that there are little bells in the feet that jingle when he moves them. Luke likes this toy so much that it goes everywhere with us and my parents bought one to keep at their house.

2. Bright Starts Activity Gym- around 6 weeks Luke still just wanted to be held all the time, if he was awake and not being held, he cried. So, we bought this for Luke hoping that it would entertain him long enough that I could throw a load of laundry in or do the dishes. He loved it, he would just lay under it and stare at it and bat at the toys. Now, he's more interested in collapsing the gym on its side or sitting up in front go it to play with the hanging toys.

3. Bright Starts Lots of Links- these little things are good for everything! I attach a link of them to the activity gym, the jumper and Luke's car seat. They keep Luke entertained and give him different textures to touch and chew on when he's teething. I also use them to attach toys to his highchair cover and to his stroller.

4. Sassy Jumper- Luke is obsessed with bouncing. He spends 2-3 hours per day in this. Lately he has noticed his shadow on the wall and ground when bouncing and gets a kick out of watching his shadow.

5. Sensory Blanket- we were given a home made sensory blanket as a gift and lately Luke has really enjoyed playing with all the tags, especially when he's getting a little sleepy.

6. Fisher Price Snail- At about 4 months, Luke really started to like cause and effect toys, so I picked up this toy. When you hit it, it lights up and plays a song (and also sometimes out of nowhere creepily). It also has a mirror on it which he loves!

7. Baby Einstein Blocks- These blocks are big and soft which make them easy for Luke to grab and great for sticking in his mouth. He loves to knock them over after I stack them for him. Also, each block is a different theme (numbers, colors ect.) which is great for helping him learn basics.

8. Fisher Price Swing n' Seat- this swing was essential especially the first few months. Although I swore I would never use a swing or other aid to make Luke sleep, it was the only place he napped and sometimes when I got sick of rocking him at 3am I would let him sleep in the swing for a few hours. (I learned quickly to never say never to anything when it comes to being a parent!) He still enjoys sitting in it and staring at the toy above him and when his stomach hurts he likes the vibrations. I have thought before that if I were to choose a swing again, I might choose one that plugs in instead of one that is battery operated, but on second thought, its nice being able to just pick the swing up and move it without having to worry about plugs.

Now that Luke is getting older and more interactive, I'm on the hunt to find some new toys for him! What are your favorites?

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